from the 1988 most important book on women's blood mystery - menstruation.


A Short Excerpt

Tiamat ~ Tohu Bohu

Tiamat, also known as Tohu Bohu, is creatress of the four female elements: the night, the deeps, the water, and eternity. She is the life giving and death bringing dragon.

Her first born child was Mummu, an image of herself. From her menstrual blood she created the earth. Her menstrual place, the east coast of the Red Sea, is called Tihamat. The Red Sea is a reference to the primeval cauldron of all life, the womb with its menstrual blood.

Tiamat's son, Marduk, in the earliest versions of the myth, attacks her, but she merely eats him and spits him out anew. It is in later versions that Marduk splits his mother in two halves, killing her and taking her power. This is when she is renamed the Dragon of Chaos and when murdering dragons essentially symbolizes demonizing women's menstrual powers and menstrual cycles. It can be seen in the myth of Lilith, who was an ancient dragon, Laila, the night. Others are Medusa, Echidna, Charybdis, Scylla, Hydra, the Unsas of Arabia, who when honored would give advice and oracles. As soon as patriarchy gained sway, the dragon blood, which originally brought forth the earth and its beings in the earliest myths, was now cursed. Slaying dragons then became the next era of mythology, where menstrual blood turns taboo and even synonymous with evil needing to be slain by heroes. The power of the female creative force was essentially removed and taken by the hero murdering his dragon mother for her menstrual blood, dragontime blood, blood of peace and symbolic of Red Goddess immortality.

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